Prior case studies were mostly about a blend of the Seedscout product and my own personal touch. Thinking through how we got OthersideAI their first check from Hustle Fund. Or how we helped KalendarAI raise their $3.2M round. Or how we linked a famous meteorologist with Tyler Tringas... In these examples, I was personally involved with each raise. In this case study, you will see the ultimate power of Seedscout, where I have nothing to do with the outcome. I hope you enjoy this powerful story of how we landed PeachPay $379,000.
The way Seedscout is designed to work is as a freemium model. Join and receive intro requests from other users on Seedscout. Pay if you want to request you own intros. In theory, if you have a great opportunity, you could join as a free user and wait for investors to request intros to you. You could raise your whole round on Seedscout without paying a dime. Well, in Aaryaman’s case, founder of PeachPay, that’s exactly what he did.
It all started when PeachPay joined the Seedscout network on August 9th, 2021. PeachPay is an all-in-one payments and checkout solution. At this point, we had about 80 investors who were paying for our ongoing list of founders.
When Aaryaman Anerao joined, he automatically sparked the interest of several investors on the platform. Those investors let me know they wanted to meet him and I manually made the intros. The first investors included Jeremy Kuo, powerhouse syndicate lead and Chris McCann, GP at Race Capital. I made both intros.
This one for Jeremy.
This one for Chris.
I want to point something important out. At this point, I had never spoken to Aaryaman before. I didn’t know him prior to him joining Seedscout and once he joined, we never spoke because he wasn’t a paying customer. So these investor leads came 100% at the merit of his own company and nothing to do with my own network. He met with these investors, and likely others. Candidly, it was out of sight out of mind for me for a few weeks…
Up until about a month later, I got this email from him.
Simply by building an amazing company and joining Seedscout as a free user, he landed a $379k check from Jeremy Kuo. He didn’t need to pay us any success fee or finders fee. He didn’t even pay a subscription fee because the investors requested intros to HIM, as they were the ones paying for access. And most importantly, this is one of the examples of companies where I personally was not involved. It happened because this is what Seedscout is designed to do. Oh and if you’re wondering how things went for the rest of the round, rest assured…
I am excited for Aaryaman and am looking forward to what the future brings him. And hoping his story can inspire others to join Seedscout, just to see what happens. Simply by joining for free, you could change your life forever. Paying just increases the odds. What’s the worst that can happen?
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Investors - Join Seedscout here
Great work, Matt!