Hi All! We are load testing our new directory tool for communities today. It’s called IntroFlow, which is a platform for people to create “social directories” for their already existing community. I made a social directory on IntroFlow called “newsletter lovers”, where you can answer 2 questions about your favorite newsletter, then search for other people who have joined as well. Everyone will have a one liner, city where they live, and most will have more info filled out about themselves too. See someone you would vibe with? Request an intro, and if they accept, you’ll be instantly introduced and can build a relationship off platform.
The Three Laws Of IntroFlow
IYKYK - The only way to get into a directory is to be invited to one or start your own. We have over 20 directories running on IntroFlow right now, but you wouldn’t know unless you have an invite. But consider this email your invite to the “Newsletter Lovers” directory. If you like what you see, try to get into another one…or simply start your own. Email me for a “100% off” discount code.
Access is King - IntroFlow will never share your email unless there is a double opt-in, meaning you want to meet another user and they want to meet you. Privacy is important, but access is even more sacred. We’ll protect yours like we protect our own.
Get Off Platform - Once connected with another member in a directory, there is no way to communicate on platform. Take it offline! Swap emails, numbers, Calendly links, touch grass, etc. Have fun, and enjoy the fact that you can connect how/where you want to, not how we want you to.
If you find a bug, please email info@introflow.io, which goes to both my cofounder and myself. That’s it! Happy connecting.